What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Do not give up hope!  Do not give up hope on self-realization, and humanity, in general.  We are all walking our own paths and yet, like the matrix, we connect and are ONE.  This is not a fairytale, this IS A ONENESS that cannot be denied.  Many people mentally deny it as they are holding onto individuality and the need for separation and division to make themselves feel different or better or safer or whatnot.  The idea here is that we all are one.  We truly are ONE.  We are one energy and we balance the earth as one energy.  We are yin/yang ~ we are light we are dark we are happy we are sad.  It is all perfect:  it truly is a perfect dynamic that doesn’t necessarily need fixing.  If you feel something about the way earth is progressing needs to change right now, do look inside self instead and see where there are “resistances” to allowing.  You didn’t invent this earth and this earthly experience when it comes to the general concepts so the best we can do is BE IN IT and work with what we’ve got and who WE ARE.  Work on self; analyze self.  Find love in self and this earthly experience.  FIX SELF!  Of course we can stand up for our neighbors while we are working on self.  We can speak up for injustices while working on self.  We can learn what unconditional love is while working on self so DO THAT!  But don’t hide your head for you feel all is hopeless.  IT IS NOT.  YOU ARE THE HOPE.  YOUR HEART HOLDS THE HOPE OF THE UNIVERSE.  Let it strengthen and fly free today to touch all who are suffering.  Suffer not for YOUR HOPE is needed.  More love and more light is needed in this creative experience and as you stand strong and happy and joyous, your heart-light grows and radiates out to the masses: healing, freeing and BE-ing the ONENESS of humanity.
