What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Breathe and BE.  That is a nice goal to have today ~ to BE in the present and experience there.  Not in the future, wishing and hoping for something better, and not in the past full of regrets or a want of “doing over” and re-experiencing.  But in the present, in the HERE AND NOW, where life truly IS.  We are such funny figures here on planet earth.  We can easily get “lost in our heads.”  Our thoughts can even trick us into thinking and feeling certain ways depending on our focus.  We often waste much time when our focus is not “well placed;” when it is too far ahead or going backwards.  Focusing on the NOW allows us to be MORE.  When we are “focused” we can do and be more.  When we are fully focused on the NOW, can you see how that focus would be stronger then, energetically speaking, without all the distractions of the past and future thought/energy?  Yes, this is something we can all work on for much of our time is spent elsewhere.  It is okay ~ this is nothing to beat yourself up over.  However, each second and each breath and each brief connection WHEN WE ARE fully in the now, makes up a lifetime of goodness, strength and beauty.  LIFE is in this moment.  ETERNITY is in THE NOW.  THAT is where the “power” lies.  Whatever you plan to see and do today, being IN IT will enhance such experiences 10-fold.  Even if “that thing” is not what you would really like to do today, being IN IT may just surprise you of all the glory you gain from the experience when you are present and fully engaged.  Don’t “turn it off” and try to tune it out and suffer.  Turn it on and TUNE IN and be present and fully awake and aware.  Then you will not be suffering at all ~ you’ll be LIVING.  Living in the now and finding glory in the ALL.
