What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

All is perfect; right here and right now.  This is said repeatedly but it is true:  now it is perfect and now and now and now and now.  Do try to stay in the now to find the perfection there.  Worry not about “the other guy;” stay present and your strength and resilience grows from there.  Pull in the earth energy for more power/strength and tap into the cosmic/star/sun energy to balance that power:  yin and yang; masculine and feminine; as above so below.  We can all use more encouragement sometimes.  Do keep self full of strength and energy so that you might help others with encouraging words.  Sometimes nice thoughts of another can even help.  Prayer of course is another method.  Meditation and “sending healing energy” does the same.  At the same time, please stay strong in your own energy force ~ that which is connected to the above and below.  Let not others energy “pull you down” or try to persuade you.  You are a life-force in and of yourself and you need to balance this energy as well as the thoughts, the words, the deeds.  Balancing and grounding are very important right now.  Being aligned with source is always important; as is, the helping of thy brothers and sisters.  Please find the beauty in today.  Please find the magic and the joy.  There is so much here for us ~ do cherish it and live in THE ALL and ever more fully.  You are doing fine.  Keep up the good (light) work and find the joy as you are doing so.  And Good/God/Goddess Bless ~  LOVENLIGHT!
